Organizational chart


General introduction Branch system Organizational chart Factory - Technology Certification- Achievement

The company is arranged in an organization chart, headed by the director and deputy director, below are the departments including the accounting department, the administrative and human resources department, the production department, and the sales department. The staff is fully knowledgeable, experienced and trained in the field of agricultural production and export.

  • Accounting Department: undertakes and completes financial-related tasks in accordance with state regulations, accounting, monitoring, monitoring, and reporting to the management on capital mobilization and related issues. other authority.
  • Administration and Human Resources Department: recruiting, training personnel, communicating information to all employees, managing the work of all employees in the company.
  • Sales Department: managing all business activities of the company. business planning, coordinating input-output orders, ensuring business operations of the company. be responsible before the director and the company owner for the performance results of the department.
  • Production Department: manage all production activities of the company. Planning production, ensuring the production activities of the warehouse. guarantee the quality and quantity of goods. be responsible before the director and the company owner for the performance results of the department.


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 Đường 827C ấp Long Thành, Xã Long Trì, H. Châu Thành, T. Long An, Việt Nam

 0386 111 168 -

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