Durian packaging process

Packaging Process

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Durian packaging process
1. Purchasing durian
Durian is purchased from the production area with clear origin and no pesticide residue.
Raw materials are transported to the company by the supplier in special vehicles. In the receiving area, at least 2% of the total amount of raw materials is sampled or sampled in accordance with TCVN 5102-90 Sampling Inspection of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables to check for harmful substances and microorganisms on the fruits. Sensory quality.
After checking for harmful microorganisms and checking quality according to standards, the raw materials are unloaded and weighed, then placed into plastic baskets and transferred to the warehouse, where plastic baskets or special tools are stored and placed on pallets. Each pallet must have a shipping identification label that contains basic information such as product name, supplier, batch number, growing area code, quantity, date of import, etc.

2. Classification
- After entering the warehouse, the durians are divided into 1, 2, 3... types according to the fruit volume and quality and the degree of damage.
- After sorting, durians are placed into storage baskets, taking care to avoid bruising or breaking thorns
- Each type of product will be placed in a different color basket to distinguish it

3. Cleaning
- After sorting, use a special soft brush to remove impurities from the durian.
- Then put the durian in the washing machine to make the fruit clean and shiny.
- After washing, put the durian into a basket with holes or place it on a table with a net, and use a fan or cold air to dry the durian.

4. Packaging
- Packing volume and specifications according to customer requirements
- Put a stamp or label on the durian stem.
- The dried durians are put into mesh bags or not, and then put into cartons for storage.

6. Storage
- The packaged durians are stored in a cold storage at 10-15oC and a humidity of 85-95%.
7. Transportation
- Products are quality and temperature checked before shipping.
- Forklifts and warehouse managers carry out shipments on a first-in, first-out basis.

Partner - customer

 Đường 827C ấp Long Thành, Xã Long Trì, H. Châu Thành, T. Long An, Việt Nam

 0386 111 168 -  vietthangagri.la@gmail.com


Người chịu trách nhiệm nội dung: Nguyễn Thị Phương Trinh - Đường 827C ấp Long Thành, Xã Long Trì, H. Châu Thành, T. Long An, Việt Nam - vietthangagri.la@gmail.com

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