
Red flesh dragon fruit Dragon fruit with white flesh Jackfruit Durian Mango Gỗ nguyên liệu, dăm gỗ và viên nén gỗ


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Product description

Durian is known as a tropical fruit, native to Southeast Asia, famous for the nickname "king of fruits". Although the taste of durian is quite heavy and strong, it contains more nutrients than most other fruits. Durian is usually large in size, has a hard outer shell and has many sharp spines covering the shell.

There are many different varieties of durian, the most popular being Durio zibethinus. The fruit can be up to 30cm long and about 15cm wide, weighing 1-3 kg. Durian flesh is light yellow or red. The taste of this fruit can bring about different reactions in each person, from "discomfort" to "addiction". Durian is widely used in many tropical regions around the world, especially in Southeast Asia such as Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.

8 unexpected health benefits of durian fruit:

  • The ability to strengthen the immune system.
  • Prevent cancer and inhibit the activity of free radicals.
  • Improve digestion.
  • Help strengthen bones.
  • Improve signs of anemia.
  • Prevent aging.
  • Helps reduce blood pressure.

Helps protect hair from frizz and damage at the roots
One of the benefits of durian is its high fiber content. Each serving should contain 9g of fiber, equivalent to 37% of your daily needs, which is difficult to do when most of this micronutrient is found in fruit rather than meals. There are many benefits that vitamin C will bring to your health and durian is the fruit that has quite an "excess" of this micronutrient.

Durian contains a fairly high amount of B vitamins, B vitamins will have a range of health benefits such as preventing aging and heart disease, helping to increase HDL (good cholesterol) and can even help improve mood. , reduce depression. Durian is rich in iron and copper. Copper and iron are essential for the formation and production of healthy red blood cells. Durian also contains manganese which helps support bone and skin health. Potassium is an important electrolyte that helps control blood pressure, keeps sodium levels within range, and helps regulate heart rhythm. Durian is a fruit that contains a rich amount of potassium that is very useful for your health. Durian contains a lot of phosphate, also known as pholic acid. This substance can aid in the prevention of heart disease, fetal development (if you are pregnant) and even help support brain function. One serving of durian contains about 20% of your daily folic acid needs. If you're looking to supplement with Thiamin then use durian, a serving of durian contains about 30% of the recommended daily Thiamin for you.


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 Đường 827C ấp Long Thành, Xã Long Trì, H. Châu Thành, T. Long An, Việt Nam

 0386 111 168 -  vietthangagri.la@gmail.com


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