

Western durian attracts customers, prices increase


Currently, in Tien Giang province, durian is attracting goods and is being purchased by traders at high prices, increasing from 20,000-30,000 VND/kg compared to the early days of October 2023. This is a sharp price increase for durian - one of the specialty fruit trees with a competitive advantage in Tien Giang province.

At durian purchasing warehouses, prices are highly competitive:

Ri 6

Fruit A (2.0-5.0kg, 2.7 boxes): 103,000-105,000 VND/kg

Fruit B (1.8-5.5kg, 2.5 boxes): 89,000-90,000 VND/kg

Fruit C (1.2-1.7kg, 2.5 boxes): 50,000-60,000 VND/kg


Fruit A (2.0-5.0kg, 2.7 boxes): 115,000-120,000 VND/kg

Fruit B (1.8-5.5kg, 2.5 boxes): 95,000-100,000 VND/kg

According to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Tien Giang province, the province has built a specialized durian growing area of over 14,000 hectares, concentrated in the western flood control districts and towns: Cai Lay district, Cai Be district, Tan Phuoc district, Cai Lay town; Of which, Cai Lay district alone has the largest area, about 9,000 hectares.

With an average yield of about 25 tons/ha and selling prices ranging from 90,000 - 100,000 VND/kg, farmers earn net profits from 900 million VND to billions of VND per hectare, the highest compared to fruit trees. Other local specialties such as dragon fruit, green-skinned grapefruit or high-yield rice, vegetables...

In recent days in the Chinese market, durian prices have also begun to increase again, this is a good sign for gardeners as well as durian purchasing and exporting companies in the area.


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 Đường 827C ấp Long Thành, Xã Long Trì, H. Châu Thành, T. Long An, Việt Nam

 0386 111 168 -  vietthangagri.la@gmail.com


Người chịu trách nhiệm nội dung: Nguyễn Thị Phương Trinh - Đường 827C ấp Long Thành, Xã Long Trì, H. Châu Thành, T. Long An, Việt Nam - vietthangagri.la@gmail.com

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