Currently, in Tien Giang province, durian is attracting goods and is being purchased by traders at high prices, increasing from 20,000-30,000 VND/kg compared to the early days of October 2023. This is a sharp price increase for durian - one of the specialty fruit trees with a competitive advantage in Tien Giang province.
At durian purchasing warehouses, prices are highly competitive:
Ri 6
Fruit A (2.0-5.0kg, 2.7 boxes): 103,000-105,000 VND/kg
Fruit B (1.8-5.5kg, 2.5 boxes): 89,000-90,000 VND/kg
Fruit C (1.2-1.7kg, 2.5 boxes): 50,000-60,000 VND/kg
Fruit A (2.0-5.0kg, 2.7 boxes): 115,000-120,000 VND/kg
Fruit B (1.8-5.5kg, 2.5 boxes): 95,000-100,000 VND/kg
According to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Tien Giang province, the province has built a specialized durian growing area of over 14,000 hectares, concentrated in the western flood control districts and towns: Cai Lay district, Cai Be district, Tan Phuoc district, Cai Lay town; Of which, Cai Lay district alone has the largest area, about 9,000 hectares.
With an average yield of about 25 tons/ha and selling prices ranging from 90,000 - 100,000 VND/kg, farmers earn net profits from 900 million VND to billions of VND per hectare, the highest compared to fruit trees. Other local specialties such as dragon fruit, green-skinned grapefruit or high-yield rice, vegetables...
In recent days in the Chinese market, durian prices have also begun to increase again, this is a good sign for gardeners as well as durian purchasing and exporting companies in the area.
Đường 827C ấp Long Thành, Xã Long Trì, H. Châu Thành, T. Long An, Việt Nam
0386 111 168 - vietthangagri.la@gmail.com
Người chịu trách nhiệm nội dung: Nguyễn Thị Phương Trinh - Đường 827C ấp Long Thành, Xã Long Trì, H. Châu Thành, T. Long An, Việt Nam - vietthangagri.la@gmail.com
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